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Amazing Tools for Designers To Transform Their Workflow

By September 26, 2017May 27th, 2024No Comments

Amazing Tools for Designers To Transform Their Workflow

Digital workspace never stays still. Technology keeps evolving, and there is always something new to try in the market. Field of web designing has also not left untouched.

Many web tools and premium services are out there to help you, but they can also complicate things. Which tool is well performing, which one is cost effective and which brings the smoother workflow in, has always been the matter of concern.

But don’t worry, To help you out a bit, we have managed to create a showcase of 10 top designed tools that can make your life easier as a designer.

Just give them a try, see how they work for you but also don’t get too attached to them since something better is always coming.

Here I am dividing this list into two main categories:

Essential web design software – This category summarises those essential tools that can help everyone related to web designing.

Helpers of Web Designers – Just think of them as “good-to-haves” stuff but not mandatory for your web design purpose.

Here is a bonus part: UX Design Tips to Boost Conversion Rate!

Essential web design software

Adobe Photoshop: Well, we won’t take much bragging about photoshop as everyone here knows what photoshop can do in web designing. But we have to add this to my list at no. 1 because of its position of the market leader as a web design software.

So about Photoshop:

It’s an incredible software that can help you with any design project, not just web design. Here you can quickly adjust any aspect of an image. Not just their sizes but also their colours, saturation, blurs, sharpness and so on. You can also create a custom graphics from scratch or can add multiple images into one as a part of the project that too in minimum clicks. It is certainly a fantastic web design tool; every graphic designer must be familiar with.


So when we have an overview of Photoshop, it’s easy to understand GIMP. Since it is one of the best free alternatives to Photoshop. Although it doesn’t come with all the features of Photoshop but the most important and most often used features are here. GIMP is available for Windows, Mac and a few more platforms too.

Color Wheel:

It’s the second Adobe tool, we are adding to this list, but we can’t help it. Adobe is too good at web designing. Anyways, Color Wheel deserves a place when it comes to the list of web design tools. After all, Color is what that holds the entire creation together and injects an emotional feel into it.

Color Wheel is Adobe’s colour scheme creation tool that is web-based and completely free. You can start here with a seed colour, and then the tool will help you with some additional colour layers and then it creates a nice colour scheme by combining all of them.

Pictaculous :

Mainly, we just wanted to add a single colour tool on the list, but Pictaculous is too good to be ignored. Here you can upload any picture you want and then the tool will extract the main colour palette from it. Pictaculous is an amazing tool when you want your entire web design to revolve around a particular picture(that lies in the background) and most importantly it is free also.


When you want to build a complete web design, you use Photoshop. And when you want to turn that design into a live website, you use WordPress. But what about when you are at the early stages of project planning and brainstorming with an idea and wanted to come up with a good layout out of it. That’s where Balsamiq helps.

Balsamiq is a wireframing tool which is easy and provides you with a blank canvas to fill with all your ideas in mind.

Sublime Text 2 :

It is hard to imagine a web design project without an easy to use the code editor. Sublime Text 2 has all the goodies that you’d need in a web design project. It comes with syntax highlighting, auto-completion, commands and so many other features. It comes with a free trial, but after a certain limit, you need to get its license which will cost you $70/month.

Helpers of Web Designers

We are going to keep this section extreme small, enough to pique your interest. Check them on your own!

Canva(free) :

Comes with a variety of templates. Extremely easy to make custom design cards, social media graphics, blog images, resume and so on.

Bootstrap(free) :

An HTML, CSS and JS framework helpful for building responsive and mobile-first websites. It was originally introduced by Twitter and makes front-end design and development quicker.


“Lorem-ipsum” is the body of any newly created web project and with this tool, you will get your dummy text already in your HTML.

TinyPNG (free):

Make your graphics smaller without compromising quality.

So if are just a novice and already having a headache looking at these multiple web design software, find some time and do yourself thinking:

“I just want to make a simple website”, use: WordPress.

“I want to picture my idea of design and want to communicate with the person building my site”, Use: Balsamiq, Lightshot.

“ I am having a small budget but want to give web designing a hand”, use: WordPress, GIMP, Canvas, Colorwheel, Sublime Text 2.

“I want the best web design software for the market”, use: WordPress, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, sketch, Balsamiq.

Well, these were some of the awesome tools designed for the web-designers to overcome their daily workflow.

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