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UX Design Tips to Boost Conversion Rate

By July 3, 2017May 27th, 2024No Comments

UX Design Tips to Boost Conversion Rate

“User Experience is the key to customer’s heart.”

The development and designing fields are broad and vague terms. Whenever a designer says –  “I am a UX/UI designer”, then you probably don’t get the same thing which you had discussed in the web scenario, as there are number of various responsibilities which get compromised under the UX/UI ‘Umbrella, term designer.’  Both have a different meaning in this designing world, UI is all about the designing interface, whereas UX is about- how the user feels while browsing a site. The understanding of both these artful terms matters a lot if you are concern about to improve the website’s conversion rates.

An astonishing web design is the root of the site which helps in getting more conversion rates. Higher conversion rates give wings to your business to fly higher and to survive successfully in this cruel web world.

If you also want to generate higher conversion rates than provide an exceptional and impressive way of browsing to your users, by which they always keep coming back to your website and also recommend others, to us. Below, down there are some UX/UI design tips for improving website conversion rates.

Humanise your Brand:

Humanising your brand is about to maintain an emotional relation with your users.

Customers attract more towards the things which resemble them or to which they can relate. In spite of using robotic elements use a recognisable face that can represent your brand which helps your business to get higher conversion rates in an amazing way. Humanising your brand is all about being genuine or authentic to your customers.

Involve social profiles to build the trust:

Three things that are directly connected with each other are Trust, conversion and design.

Social profiles reflected your brand image and generated trust in users to use your products or services. Including testimonials from your old clients about your services on the social profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, etc. will help the user to build the positive image of your business in his mind. Add product image, reviews about the services that had been used by the customers. There is no better way to build the trust than testimonials and reviews.

Use amazing icon designs:

Interactive icon designs help the users to navigate the desired elements quickly.  Using different icons on different pages also enrich the visual experience of the website for the users. In other words, an icon shows a high impact on users rather than words. More often, they should be used carefully so that the users could not misinterpret them. Therefore, it is essential to mark them clearly, so that they will pass right information.

For designers, it is easy to design interactive icons and also easy for the developers to code the same over websites.

Eliminate all Errors:

No one likes to see a welcoming note of ‘404 Page Not Found’ on the site. It leaves a bad impression on the users, and the impact could be such bad that the user may decide never to come back on the site again.

These broken links or 404 errors are not useful if you want to get higher conversion rates. Eliminate all those grammatical or spelling errors or missing PDFs from your website in a proper manner. After all, it’s your duty to make the visitors stay for an extended time on your site to gain the conversion.

Make your content talkative:

It’s true that ‘Content is the King’, and it suits perfectly today also when you want to get more user attention. A health content is the root of the website that encourages more conversion rates. Therefore, make your content interesting and talkative that the customer will read it again and again.

Well, I hope with these incredible UX/UI designs suggestions you can skyrocket your website conversion rates.

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