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Most Promising Web Design Trends for Startups!

By October 2, 2017May 27th, 2024No Comments

Most Promising Web Design Trends for Startups!

Changes and evolution are the constant companions of digital workplace whether it is web development or the giant web design space. These days, every online business requires a website as a proof of its online presence even when it doesn’t sell anything online. A well-designed website works as a 24*7 online salesman for your brand.

But, where a website can be a powerful tool to help you market your business, it can also hurt as well. Never forget that your audience, just like you, view your online brand many times a day. They can easily differentiate a poor quality production website with a better one. Thankfully, emerging startups are aware of this and taking web designing sincerely. They are including a great design as an integral part of their overall growth strategy and hire a professional web design company to do the task for them.

For startups, the meaning of a great web design is much more than colours and buttons on a blank web page. In this article, we are going to explain some of the trends that a startup should opt to have a long-lasting presence on the web.

Minimalist web design trend is ruling the startup sphere!

For a minimalist, don’t think it is easier just because it looks simpler. Since here you have to balance better usability with the lesser interface. A minimalist web design is defined as the fearless use of space, amazing visuals, striking typography and a complete focus on the content itself. These are the pillars of a minimalist web design that not only makes a web page cleaner but also encourages scrolling.

Use of animations and GIFs!

GIFs, an excellent way to express meaningful content in the best visual way possible is dominating most of the web design trends these days. GIFs and animations along with SVG and CSS are becoming the most used trend that adds some uniqueness and design elements to your web design. If these animations and GIFs are used properly, then it can be more lightweight that images and videos.

Microinteractions are changing the way!

You must be aware of this hottest trend of microinteractions in the market. Mostly, they are present in hovers, clickable animations, scrolling effects and more. Since these elements are always a part of any web page design, designers can take advantage of them and can make it more informative and creative.

Introduce handwritten elements!

These elements may include handwritten fonts, icons, buttons and certain other graphic elements that bring a creative touch to a website. These handwritten features are a great change in web design industry, and startups are increasingly using them since they enhance CTAs and give a contrast to your uniform typography.

Flat designs are now out of fashion!

In web design industry, flat designs have made most of the websites look similar. With the flat designs, designers have lost their creativity as they are following the same pattern for each website they design. But with startup generation, designers are upgrading their visual skills and creating bold patterns that are effective in depicting a brand while at the same time improvise user functionality.

So these are top 5 design trends for your startup website. Decide on your target audience, consider their requirements and go for the best web design company that helps you meet the conversion goals of your business.

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