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Google Map Marketing to boost your local sales

By August 15, 2018May 27th, 2024No Comments

Google Map Marketing to boost your local sales

Do you know 81% of shoppers make online research before buying a product? Out of this, 50% of consumers who made a local search on their mobile phones visit a local store within a day? So the number says it all.

If you are in peak Google map search results then you can generate good sales. Suppose you are looking for a nearby restaurant so what you see first at Google? There are top three Google Map search results that come right after the search box. And when you click on one of them, you’ll get the complete information about the venue including its address, phone number, directions, photos & reviews. Don’t you think when a person get all these information at first hand, he won’t visit the place? He would definitely go to that place and increase its sales. Well, this is the power of Google Maps marketing.

What is Google Map Marketing?

As the name implies, it’s the marketing of your business through Google Maps. In simpler terms, it is a way of using Google Map functionality to make your business easy to find when potential visitors search for your services or products. When it comes to local SEO, it is an indispensable tool. Just claim your listing at Google My Business page, fill all the accurate details and get your listing verified to get a Google Map listing for your business.

Why a business needs Google Maps Marketing?

Needless to say, the main purpose of this Google Map Marketing is to own the top 3 local listing when someone searches for relevant keywords. When you are on top, it is more likely that the customer will contact you more. But to be the one among three, you need a properly optimised business listing on Google. The optimization should be done in a way that your business will appear in both the results. There are many ways a business owner is benefitted from Google Maps Marketing and here are some, let’s have a look:

Increased Local Audience:

Visiting a shop directly to purchase a product is a thing of past now. Nowadays, people make an online research first, compare the prices and then take a decision. Google map marketing ensure your place among top three that means you can effectively catch the local audience of the area.

Enhanced Brand Visibility:

If done correctly, Google Maps is an excellent way to boost your brand visibility. No matter whether someone chooses you over your competitor or not, you are always in front of your audience that is one of the many goals of a successful marketing strategy.

Builds credibility:

Google is the first option upon which everyone relies and when Google shows you on top, it means you are in the good eyes by default. Buyers also get a complete information from there before visiting it physically and this will make them feel that you care.

Optimizing a site for Google maps is straightforward but it is a multi-faceted process. So get it done correctly at the first place or you can hire an internet marketing service to do the task for you.

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