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5 Most effective call to action techniques that converts

By August 23, 2018May 29th, 2024No Comments

5 Most effective call to action techniques that converts

Having people visiting your website is good but are they taking the proper actions you want them to do in order to benefit your business?

However, out of many visitors, you get in a day only a few perform desired call to actions on your website. You need your content to inspire people beyond reading so that they will get you your desired outcome. Maybe you need them to subscribe for a newsletter or want to get a demo scheduled for your product, but they never make it to that page.

Perhaps, it’s time to revisit your calls-to-action.

A call to action is a button or a link on your website that guide your visitor and tell them what to do next. The action that a user takes depends upon the nature of your business. Mostly, people limit the usage of a call to action to e-Commerce business only but every business website has a certain goal to achieve and these call to action buttons help you to achieve them. A call to action serves your many purposes like:

  • It provides focus to your website.
  • A way to measure the success of your site.
  • Direction for your users.

So what is your technique to design a successful call to action that also converts? We are here with the help of Zuplic combining a few techniques to help a new web developer design an effective call to action. Let’s have a look:

Focus on the needs first:

Every visitor needs to know the requirement before completing a call to action. Just like we see in infomercials. They first identify a problem, then present a product to solve that before asking people to respond. You need to communicate what a user will get out of completing a call to action. Talk about the benefits of responding through your content. Let’s take this example of Skype. ABove their download call to action button, they make the benefits so clear.

Address all doubts about the call to action:

Completing a call to action is often a matter of trust on behalf of the users. Sometimes the user needs to make a payment in exchange of his personal details in order to complete a call to action. This obviously brings out some questions and concerns and they want them to be solved before they take any action.  Certainly, you don’t want your customers to go hunting for delivery charges and return policy. So assure them up front about all the necessary details of a call to action. For example, if you want them to subscribe for a newsletter, then let them know how often you will send them an email and also tell them that it is easy to unsubscribe. It’s a good technique for your online marketing also.

Spread a small number of distinct calls to action:

It is also important to focus upon the number of calls to actions. Visitors get confused when they see a number of options just like customers get confused by the varieties in a supermarket. When we limit the number of choices, we directly reduce the mental effort. The number of appropriate calls to actions varies from site to site but it is not about the numbers only. It is also about the type. Make sure you spread a limited number of distinctive calls to action throughout your site

Think about the positioning of your call to action:

The position of your call to action is the prime factor to consider. You can either place it high on the page or in the central column where visitors pay most of their attention. Don’t only consider the position, also think about the right time to ask users to respond. If you ask them too soon without showcasing them what you offer, it is sure they won’t respond. Also, provide more space around your call to action to draw most of the attention. Clutter up the call to action with surrounding content and you’ll lose the necessary attention in the noise of your words.

Use an alternative colour for your call to action:

Color plays an important rule in catching the eyes of visitors. When your site is in muted colour palettes, use bold colours to emphasize your call to action. But this doesn’t apply for all. For the users who are colour blind, it’s the size of your call to action that speaks for your site.

In all, a good call to action can make a lot of difference in terms of conversions. One can use them manipulating the users into taking some action. Well, this is all about psychology that can be dangerous too. Users might also feel tricked and they might leave negative comments online to harm your long-term sales. So use the techniques of call to action wisely and make full use of them.

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