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5 modern UX design trends for 2020

By February 8, 2018May 27th, 2024No Comments

5 modern UX design trends for 2020

Let’s face this reality – In today’s competitive digital world the most important part of a website is user experience. A smooth user experience is the only key that helps you stay relevant in the market and brings you the customers you desire for.  No matter what efforts you put in your search engine marketing, if visitors can’t find their way around your website, they are most likely to navigate from your website to never come back.

But as we all know, it’s not easy to simply sit and make a UX design from scratch. To design a user-friendly website, one must learn the various aspect of general web design. Luckily, the web is exhausted with useful and commonly used UX and UI design practices. Here we have also combined a list of such trend that helps you understand what people look for when it comes to the user experience. So without delaying it further, let’s get into the details.

Elaborated use of white space:

White space aka “negative space” is the area of your web page design which is occupied by nothing. This provides your page elements with enough breathing room. The enhanced browsing from mobile phones has changed people’s reading habits that forced companies to put more focus on creating an open page layout. Asana is a good example of this, that makes an excellent use of negative space and keep a user entirely focused on a singular task i.e. get users to sign up.

Get Animation in your design life:

With the advancement in technology, websites are moving from static images to some broad ways like animations to better interact with the users. Other than the particle animations which are usually larger backgrounds, small animations scattered all over your page are much useful to keep a user communicated all the time.

Full-screen video:

What was once a big NO is becoming the hottest trend in UI. Full-screen videos at the homepage is taking over the entire game quite literally. For many designers it doesn’t come out of as new since till now we have been using a full image and now the trend of full-screen video is not a major change. For brands, this is a highly engaging medium to reach out their customers.

Vibrant and gradient colors:

The trend of flat design is serving web design and development companies for a long time now. But 2020 will be seen as the year of gradient colors. In the recent years gradients were seen only in the form of subtle shading but today gradients are big and full of colors. An incarnation of a gradient filters over photos is the best way to make a regular image more interesting. A simple gradient background is also good if you don’t have a relevant image to post.

Supersize typography:

Video is not the only thing that is in limelight in 2020, Typography is also going unmistakably bigger. Just like everything in UI, these usually larger fonts are all about usability. Text is for user to read it and obviously the bigger it is, the sooner user sees it. That means less time the user sees it, more time he pays to read it and a definite victory for UI.

No matter where the future takes us, user experience and user interface will always be the prominent part of web designing. And to keep oneself updated, research of top trends is indeed needed.

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