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5 ways to develop a cross channel brand consistency

By September 10, 2018May 27th, 2024No Comments

5 ways to develop a cross channel brand consistency

In the digital world, a consistent brand image is crucial for business. It is the presentation of who you are as a business that also evokes the audience to make some predictable responses. When visitors find a different content on different platforms where you are present, It’s hard for them to understand what exactly you are offering. A consistent brand representation makes them feel comfortable and familiar. The images and content used as a part of your branding can give your audience an insight to engage with and build trust in your brand. Consistent branding benefits you with the customers that are relevant to your business and stick around longer.

So do you also use many mediums to reach out to your audience? From a responsive web design to social media and email newsletters, all these platforms are effective to engage your customers. And in this article, you will know how you can maximize your brand consistency and engagement on all these platforms. So sit back and give a read to this article until the end.

Go with a consistent design style that goes with your business

The visual aspect of your brand is the very first thing that customers will notice. This is the reason you should have a unique logo and appearance that people can remember. When designing an offline business space everything from lighting and furniture to the employee uniforms and decor would be considered against the aesthetic you want to represent for your store. Well the same should be true for your website but remember to keep it straight. If your layout is confusing, then it doesn’t matter how good or relevant your services is, customers will navigate away pretty quickly. So keep it simple yet creative. Use the same typeface and same colors all over your platforms for a good impression on your visitors.

Regular content scheduling:

We, humans, crave for consistency. When you create a user-friendly content, they follow you and build a relationship with you. And a regular content scheduling on all your platforms will let them know what you are up to. But make sure you keep it steady. So just like your brand appearance, the content you curate for awareness must be uniform everywhere.

Keep your information clear and up to date:

This is must especially over the holidays. All your must provide accurate information about your brand and organization. Basic information such as working hours, closing, holidays, contact numbers and physical address must be intact everywhere. You never want your customers to get confused about these basic details of your business. Showing up the door is closed or a sale is over,is a big frustration to all your potential customers.

Content and topics:

This is critical if you have writers for your posts and social media. The topics they write contents for must be consistent so that readers get an idea about what comes next. Approve a list of accepted categories, keywords, example of previous work and hand it over to your team of writers. This will give them an idea on how to start.

Consistent customer service:

Believe it or not, your customer service is a part of your business success. People prefer to get instant responses to their customer queries. And when they don’t get their problem solved on time they don’t hesitate to switch to your competitor even. So don’t avoid this and hand over your team the guidelines on handling customer situations.

Final Thoughts

So now when you know the importance of consistent brand image, it’s time to take some action to implement it. Begin with all your social media accounts and web properties and ensure they all have similar appearance. Also develop a brand template that you can share with everyone to make everyone understand the values you offer and the goals you want to achieve.

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