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Web design checklist that clients should provide their web agency

By April 24, 2018May 29th, 2024No Comments

Web design checklist that clients should provide their web agency

Preparation is paramount at every step of application development. Neglecting it can result into confusion, disorganization and a less-satisfactory outcome. And when it comes to a web design project, it requires preparation from both the ends. Generally, only a web designer is held responsible for any delay or unacceptable completion of the project but there are also some cases in which a miscommunication between the web design company and client led the failure of a project. Yes, a client is also responsible for delayed deliveries. A checklist at his end must be prepared before handing over a web design project to a company. Here are some points that a client must include in his/her checklist to discuss with the designer at the early stage of project development. Let’s have a look:

Discuss accurate design needs:

In most of the cases,  the common factor of unsuccessful project completion that is found is an inadequate supply of exact design needs. Initially, the client doesn’t provide what exactly he needs in a project and then in the midst of web design process he keeps nagging the web designer with continuous design modifications. As a result, the project doesn’t get completed on time. So, the checklist point number one is laying down all the required features and functionalities at the beginning to avoid all the possible conflicts.

Specific Brand Guidelines:

Everyone in the web development process must realize the fact that clients are the masters of their business. And no one except them understands their business completely. They know what should be boldly represented at a webpage and what not to mention. There are many project failures due to the misinterpretation of business branding by the designers. So to minimize the chance of errors a client must provide detailed guidelines to the company beforehand. It may include a brand logo, colour contrast, font style, layout colours, hyperlink colours, image styles etc.

Time Frame:

A deadline must be established for every task in a web development project. Designers often work for multiple clients at the same time and it’s easy for them to prioritize their work flow if they have specific time requirements of each client. Business meetings must be held between client and designer time to time  to ensure the timely delivery of project.

Provide images and text outset:

Client must provide all the necessary tools to work on the designs at the project beginning. That includes procuring content, text, logo and important graphics for different banners. The web designer can not move further if they don’t have all the necessary materials in hand. And the information must be supplied in its final form. If client want any modification once the information is utilized as it is, it may increase the cost and delay the deadlines. Also, client must provide the original content and authorised images.

Provide web design samples:

If a client wants a redesigning or is building on a previous promotional campaign, then provide previous design samples to the designer. So that he will be able to coordinate the new designs with the old design samples and deviate from the elements that didn’t work out last time.

This checklist might appear complex to many of you, but each point must be considered before starting the project. This will surely eliminate possible design hurdles as the project progresses.

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