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Ways to Enhance Your Content and SEO in 2023

By May 30, 2023May 27th, 2024No Comments

Ways to Enhance Your Content and SEO in 2023

There is no doubt that despite all the AI advancements in content production, human-derived content is still the king. Today, in a content world that vastly relies on Artificial Intelligence, the production of content is at its fastest speed – ironically, making it tougher than ever for content to be discovered and praised. Despite the technological advancements and effective resources, lack of right approach in producing and delivering content is keeping brands behind.

To overcome this, optimizers and marketers have to understand that with every change, a new set of challenges blossom. With the right methods, one can change these challenges into opportunities. As soon as experts accept that man and machines are designed to work together, a plethora of mindful and interactive content can be achieved.


Utilising the plethora of content creation resources to produce content for human use rather than for robotic/automated rankings. Keeping users on their toes by cultivating a content habitat that provides something new, valuable and helpful.


Gaining a competitive edge by utilising AI for calculated benefits. Creating a healthy balance to achieve outstanding results, be it research or production.

In this blog, we will blueprint optimal content strategies that will not only target the production stage but also the pre and post-content production plans. By understanding these key factors, you can give your content numerous opportunities to thrive and grow.

There are 5 factors essential to be covered:

  • Deliver quickly & be specific.
  • Measure Content to deliver what matters the most.
  • Actionable Content is Always Active.
  • Stay Relevant and Resonate.
  • Smart Strategies Make Visible Content

A. Deliver quickly and be specific

Content that is provided with the quickest has the longest life span, hence potentially getting the most views. If your content is helpful, relevant and delivered quickly, it is bound to generate new consumers and retain the old ones.

You can look up any significant brands or companies to notice that they realise the foot-hold that quick and timely content creates. The best way to align this approach is by ensuring that your content provides exclusive insights and value.

1. Understand your Audience and Their Needs

Knowing who you are catering to is essential in creating content masterpieces. Through thorough and constant research, you can get deeper intel on what content your consumers have a taste and craving for.

Understand the intent of your viewers by examining their locations, the content they are searching for, their purchase funnels, and the major and long-tail or conversational keywords they look for. Furthermore, deduce how consumers and viewers interact with your brand.

To hustle through the competitive space of content, study your key competitors and decipher where their knots are loose. Analyse these gaps by pursuing trends and topics that your competitors are neglecting.

2. Harmonise AI – Don’t Harbour AI 

AI is a huge and probably the most valuable asset for expert marketers. Generative AI is a powerful tool to create engaging and successful content, Therefore, to implement the gifts of AI correctly, one must keep the main goal of content creation in mind; to provide value.

Hence, always keep your consumers in mind and when using AI, exercise balance by ensuring human oversight. You can do so by going through E-E-A-T or Google’s guidelines for helpful content.

Expert marketers leading the industry know the limits of AI and understand the importance of harmony. Experiment but don’t forget to oversee.

3. Format Wisely, Incorporate Video and Photos

Make use of different media formats to enable your content to deliver its message and engage the audience. Limiting your written content to just text can appear as stale and disengaging. Utilise images, embedded links, videos, gifs, infographics and slides as valuable as well as entertaining elements in your content piece.

Offering these alternatives can not only engage your audience but these elements can also help you simplify complex topics and add relevance to the subject. A trending example of this is vertical short-form videos which can be seen as Instagram Reels, Youtube Shorts, TikTok Shorts and now even Google Web Stories.

B. Measure Content to deliver what matters the most

Despite humongous resources, expert marketers are driven to consistency and to prove the quality of their content. Measuring efforts, results and other variables is an immeasurable way to attain this.

4. Align Metrics to Your Business Goal

To understand the effectiveness of your content, it is vital to examine its performance through all the stages of the funnel – from lead generation to sales and retention.

Expert B2B marketers tend to examine metrics like traffic, lead quality, shares on socials and time spent on the website. Whereas B2C affiliates focus on consumer retention, evangelism (word-to-mouth marketing) and conversions.

5. Make Search Engine Optimization a Core Pillar

Finely optimised content can begin by creating trust amongst your consumers. Time spent on the site, social shares and engagement are resonating factors. You can do so by articulating readability standards throughout your website. Furthermore, work on enhancing meta descriptions, title tags, subheadings, written content and visual elements.

Work on perfectly interlinking content on your website. This increases user engagement and time spent on your website while regularly churning your highest-performing pieces.

For external visibility, implement snippets. Snippets tend to give you an edge within the industry and boost your organic traffic. Along with that, utilize AI or other tools to build an effective schema markup strategy. This will help in your brand’s relationship with search engines and present your content more effectively.

Understand the importance of Core Web Vitals that can be implemented on the designer’s end like usability, design elements, structure and page speed.

Along with keywords, utilise conversational terms and search phrases for a realistic brand identity.

For many businesses, connecting with local businesses is vital. Not only can you enhance your brand’s visibility but also redirect potential consumers to your website while increasing your web ranking.

6. Use Automation to Accelerate Progress

Machine learning has taken a huge leap in understanding and presenting realistic and relevant patterns. By using automation, businesses can be more productive than ever as it can cut down on overall time and robotically conduct repeating tasks.

C. Actionable Content is Always Active

Actionable content means a type of content that not only provides value on the initial level but also helps beyond that stage.

7. SEO Support to Empower Your Creators

Even when you have a mesmerising front end and top-notch content to display on it, you can still fail to see optimum results if you lack proper backend support.

How far can your brand go with SEO is derived from the technical SEO standards of your website. Site structure, mobile readiness, metadata, internal linking, loading speed, coding errors, and other elements decide your content’s ability to rank.

Furthermore, they can affect your user’s experience and affect the time spent on site and user retention metrics.

8. Diversify Your Optimization 

Despite all the fuss, SEO is only the second most used marketing tactic – Social media plugs come in first.

Enable your brand’s presence across all possible platforms. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, Pinterest and LinkedIn – every platform is different and can yield very fruitful results. Understand the distinct nature of these platforms and tailor your brand’s presence accordingly.

D. Stay Relevant and Resonate

Creating quality content is one thing and attracting viewers is another. One can not exist without the other. As you grow your space, understand the audience that you are tapping their tendencies. Figure out targeting the right people at the right time.

9. Adapt Next-Gen Marketing and Content Strategies to Get to the Next Level

With the boom of AI, a new set of challenges has emerged. The competition to stand out and create differentiation from competitors is at its peak.

See this as the correct time for writers and marketers to happily accept and embrace modern technology and integrate it into content production.

Rectify your content production budget by directing it here. Empower your human resources by enabling them to utilise next-gen marketing strategies for premium results.

10. Syndicate and Paid Promotions to Expand Brand Presence

Rather than emptying a predetermined budget on a specific platform without the gist of its environment, use paid promotions and syndications for easy presence early on.

11. Helpful Guidelines and E-E-A-T

Authoritative and genuine content is still paramount in attaining excellency and fluent results.

E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. With evolving search experiences, these guidelines will help you achieve and maintain premium results with your content.

Add human touches with your preferred AI tools for unique and differentiated content from your competitors.

E. Smart Strategies Make Visible Content

Click-throughs, site time and visitors give an idea about the popularity and value of your content. But to prove their excellence, final business results are needed.

12. Display Profitable CTAs 

Decipher the actions that your readers might take. Assess what pages on your website convert the best and generate the highest-quality leads.

These insights will help you confidently place potential CTAs. Keep in mind to think over the possible intent of your consumer with each piece that you deliver. Finally, embedding performance tracking to metric total site traffic and conversions.

13. Add Elements to Support Different Business Areas

Add dimensions to your content by adding elements that can help build brand authority and identity, be it a product or service. One way to do this is by adding quality testimonials that showcase the positive experiences of consumers with your brand.

Another way to do this is by creating author spaces that showcase your employees. This builds transparency and a positive image in social spaces within the industry.

14. Implement Up-to-Date Content Optimization and Management Tactics

No matter how much your content is out there on the web, each piece is an asset that can drive real-time traffic, leads and sales. You can achieve content’s maximum by constantly churning it up with recent SEO tactics. One way to ensure it is by staying in touch with Google’s updates on the matter.

15. Ensure Humans Adapt Well to Machines and AI

Any piece of smart and quality content today incorporates touches of AI. Even though AI is able to generate quality content on its own, human touch, supervision and empathy is still needed to justify quality standards.

AI can’t replace emotional intelligence, creativity, human experiences, connection, context comprehension and common sense. Nor will AI replace you in your job, but if you don’t update your skills and tactics, expert marketers might.

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