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Online Marketing

Types of Marketing

By December 15, 2014May 27th, 2024No Comments

Types of Marketing

There are various types of marketing techniques and we would be discussing few of them in this blog one by one.

Viral Marketing

In many ways, Viral Marketing term is used. But, actually we don’t know what it is. Many of us do marketing by Social Media Websites which help us to gain traffic. Moreover, most of us have also used certain tools or techniques which are there to increase the brand awareness or you may call it as Market buzz.

So, Viral marketing is nothing but you may say it is analogous to viruses which spread as speedily as a flash.

Viral marketing is done in various forms; it can be implemented by the help of video clips or by the help of interactive Flash games or E-Books. It simply depends upon you how you use it and take benefit out of it. Most of the people prefer text messages as it is easy to use that. You can prefer any of the above method, and create viral messages by which you can add more person quickly as fast as never before. Viral Marketing helps an individual and guides him/her the correct way to carry out social networking business.

Video Marketing

Always when a new terminology comes, it brings billions of questions and some confusions along with it. Video Marketing can be defined as Marketing with Video or Marketing a Video.

Marketing with Video :

Marketing with Video generally includes categories which are related to buying and selling of a product. There are various websites which incorporate videos to provide a user a jest of the product what is it really all about. For this, they use Webinars or some might also be incorporating video in order to include E-mail Marketing.
Marketing a Video: A business which is laid down on Video Marketing is called “Marketing a Video”. This category of Video Marketing helps to create brand awareness for a particular product and it solely depends on viewers by giving them a taste of the brand or product which is designed to be shared.

With the help of video sharing sites such as YouTube, Vimeo,, etc, a video is made vibe to wide audience. These videos are often posted on the web by the means of SEO or social media.

Referral Marketing

Referral marketing is the mechanism by which products and related services are promoted through referrals; usually these are the words which are often conveyed by mouth. Such referrals happen spontaneously. Referral Marketing is the art of maximizing out of word which is conveyed by mouth by using the strategies such as encouraging, informing and provoking customers to think and talk about the suppliers.

It occurs Online as well as Offline. Online mechanism is done by the help of cookies which provides a user with high degree of tracking. There are various successful referral marketing programs present in the market such as DropBox, Okabashi. As other mail service providers, DropBox uses a concept of adding referrals through friends through it promotes a particular product. But, Okabashi uses the services of it’s own program called Referral Candy which in turn boosts up the traffic and sales in no time. As such, if we use referral marketing wisely we will be benefitted a lot.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is the type of marketing based on the concept of earning through attention by prospects or by making yourself a brand. Basically, it is the way by which many people get attracted towards your site or your product instantly as your the source of attention. So, now the quest arises how to fetch attention, so that anyone can look for us?

Blogs, videos, E-Books, E-news, Whitepapers, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing and other forms of content marketing are considered as a part of inbound marketing. And, Cold-Calling or direct paper mail or Radio or TV advertisements, Sales Fliers, Spam’s, Telemarketing and traditional advertising are included in category of Outbound Marketing.

We would recommend marketers to easily “earn their way in” by publishing helpful information on a Blog etc. In Outbound marketing/Permission marketing people buy, beg, or bug with the help of paid advertisements or by issuing press releases, or paying commissioned sales people respectively. The Inbound marketing is effective for small Business companies which deal with high dollar values and long research cycles and of course knowledge-based products.

Inbound marketing is implemented in three phases:

  1. Get found
  2. Convert
  3. Analyze

Inbound Marketing has 5 stages which are as follows:

  1. Attract Traffic
  2. Convert visitors to leads
  3. Convert leads to sales
  4. Turn customers into repeat higher margin customers
  5. Analyze for continuous improvement

I hope you enjoyed reading the blog and the various marketing techniques will definitely help you out in your business.

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