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Tips on Developing Multiple Domain SEO Strategy

By November 3, 2022May 27th, 2024No Comments

Tips on Developing Multiple Domain SEO Strategy

If you are in the field of digital media, or written content, or have been using the internet for some time, then chances are that you are no stranger to Search Engine Optimization. It is a powerful tool that can quickly boom your business, sales, and audience. When you summarize SEO in a single line, it can seem quite simple and to the point, but the underlying process is something to master. The majority of the time, the complexities of SEO can appear whilst in the process. It can differ for everybody; it can be around the time when you might have done everything by the book but still cannot see significant growth or maybe when you are ranking on a particular page but cannot seem to climb up the ladder to the first spot.

Industry leaders dominate their SEO standings through various tactics that emerge at a certain point. Mastery of these elements determines the significance of growth in one’s business. One of these essential practices is the fundamentals of Multiple Domain Strategy. It can result in a massive search engine presence and the best thing about it is that it is not a widely known method. Its structure does not appear to be obvious and tends to reveal itself deeply during the process. It is a powerful asset to have beside you and while it won’t show any immediate incline in the graph, you can trust it when you practice it correctly to boost your domain in the correct direction; it also ensures a reliable long-term plan for your domain, which makes it completely safe and obvious element to implement.

What is a Multiple Domain Strategy?

In simple words, a Multiple Domain Strategy is a practice where an owner is associated with two or more websites. This results in the increased possibility of visitors to your websites. Majorly, it lets a firm grip on the searched domain for your brand. It is similar to the simple math probability theory, 2 out of 10 (2 being the multiple domains and 10 being the search results on google) has a higher chance than 1 out of 10. Additionally, along with search page domination, it enables the opportunity of generating intertwining backlinks to benefit each website. Hence, the practice of Multiple Domain Strategy tends to appear as your business seems to have a decent footstep in its realm.

Why should I use MDS?

Despite knowing the benefits and the stronger grip it gives your website, one can easily be in need of more reasons to go through the cycle of implementing multiple domain strategies. Well, it is clearly not the industry’s go-to approach and we won’t try to convince you any other way. The deal breaker is that MDS is completely situational. Yes, you read it right. The strongest point here is that not every company, brand, or website is blessed with the privilege of making use of this tactic. This makes it an exclusive amenity for your online presence; which reaps only benefits and opportunities to grow.

When to apply a Multiple Domain Strategy?

As mentioned twice already, it is a completely situational opportunity. So, before making any tweaks to your optimization plans, one should consider the significance of:

Having Multiple Brands

If you have two or more websites that cover similar or distinctively similar areas, it is a green sign to start thinking about MDS. Many brands purchase or co-own different brands and then work on optimization. There are also micro-sites that brands develop in order to exercise their multiple website strategies. These can cut costs and give real-time results for your executions.

Having Specific Keywords to Target

If you have an obsession or the motivation to technically “own” a keyword, this can be a fruitful practice. Just look at the top brands that always rank on the keywords “online shopping”. With MDS, you can do just that.

Multiple Websites with Good Link Equity

Link equity is the individualistic jurisdiction of links over the entire page’s ability to rank on a specific query. It depends on multiple factors like authority, trust, placement of links, and overall accessibility and outbound links. Link equities are directly related to the foothold and power your links can channel. In order for this strategy to work, consider link equities to be your combat zone’s warriors. In case you don’t have juicy link equity, you should first work on increasing that before setting up multiple domain strategies.

Well, if all these points come checked for you, then congratulations; you are all set to future-proof your websites. The only question now is what strategy to apply. Thanks to us, we have that covered for you as well.

Types of Strategies

There are essentially 2 strategies for a successful multi-domain strategy. The first is, as we mentioned, micro-sites; which need to be developed from scratch. And secondly, the usage of 301 redirects to thrive on existing audience and retain link credibility.


Now that the decision to set up a microsite is made, the key is to give it a personality. Start by getting a unique handle for your microsite. The idea behind fabrication is to justify what value will it provide and how will it merge your audience to your main page. Look at it as the joining bridge between both your platforms.

301 Redirects

301 redirects are the immigration certificates for your domains. They help transfer more than 90% of the older page’s ranking and juice to your new link. So in essence, all the keywords that your page was ranking on can now rank for your new micro-sites; easing up the time and labor to start from scratch. This commute does leave some of the link juice out of the bracket but when looking at the bigger picture, it is the most effective way.

Now, once you solidify your approach, let’s dig deep into the process.

Fundamentals of Micro-Sites

Attain Domains

There are 3 set ways of doing so

Creating New Domains

This is the cheapest and safest option. It also promises complete control but will demand creation from absolute scratch. Try to keep it simple and unique and avoid availind domain names that contain the keywords you intend to rank on.

Purchasing Expired Domains

It was a widely-used practice until Google began penalizing these domains. So, it comes with its conditions. The best things you can do to keep your books clean are to check for DA and PA of the site (anything above 60 is the green light) and invest in finding out the backlinks’ health and the site’s ranking.

Purchase Existing Domains

Consider everything in the expired domains manual and add a filthy price tag. Yes, these are good but they are quite expensive.

Setting Up Redirects

The right time to set up 301 redirects is when you consider your site’s ranking to be good. It is a simple process but it can vary depending on your server host. You can read your host’s manuals or spot the redirect button in your CMS; depending on your operations.


There is no shortcut to SEO. Even the easiest tactics can demand great comprehension of technicalities and the willingness to learn new things on the go.

But with good resources and zeal to practice and implement, you can garnish your brand with an enhanced presence. Your SEO will be the best it had ever been, your rankings will significantly improve, and you’ll own more SERP(s) than your competitors. Multiple Domain Strategy, if done correctly, will definitely line you up for more engagement, higher authority, and more conversions but it only comes after consistent work; both before and after the implementation of these strategies.

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