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The 6 Gears Behind a Smooth Web Design

By January 25, 2021May 27th, 2024No Comments

The 6 Gears Behind a Smooth Web Design

When we think of design we think of artistic expression, creativity and individuality. Designs can fall into categories such as conceptual, abstract, contemporary and many others. The idea or vision of an appealing design can be stated as very subjective. Which is where the humongous question arrives; how to create a flowing design while keeping check of necessary elements such as visual identity, user interface, user experience, packaging, advertising and overall harmony? It is a common question from entrepreneurs, marketing firms, independent designers and industry practitioners,

Well worry no more, we have articulated a multiple step process that will not only result you in an immaculate design but also ease the journey to attain that altogether. To sum our advice, go modern. The internet has come a long way since its initial existence and it is demanding its users to do that as well. Website is the only homely environment that you can have on the entire internet, every aspect of it can be changed, used or blended as per your desires and necessities. Designs are no longer perceived along with a template, they have evolved and transformed into an alternative source of free speech. If you, with your designs, can focus on the factors such as eye-pleasing art, creativity, technology comprehension and user behaviour/psychology you can attract more users on the first glance and retain them as well.

Identification of Motive, Needs and Goals

We go all in with a crucial step that holds the power to maintain the fluidity of your product’s growth. You can think of it as orientation where designers, investors, clients discuss the final motive of the website, user expectations, brand portrayal, creating individuality, studying competitors, aspects related to labour that will go into achieving the goals and other idiosyncrasies. This is an important step to ensure your website works efficiently throughout its running time. At the end of the meeting/discussion if you and everyone in the room can visualise a loose blueprint of your website, then the beginning of your product is successfully in motion.

Filling the Sketchbook

As soon as all of the members on your panel auto-synchronise during goal identification, the designers tend to brainstorm ideas for your product. Depending on the approach and expectations that were set, a comprehensive set of structural designs, sketches, elemental outlines, mood boards and wireframes are drawn. Chances are that your designers might have sketched something for you during the motive identification gathering. Although competent and skillful designers are the silent farmers for your website, it is very essential for your designers to be in coordination with the developers. A pad full of aesthetic and above time design materials is still a job not done if your designers cannot implement into existence. However there is no one to blame here but technology. Make sure you communicate thoroughly with developers and designers and insinuate the importance of art and technology working together.

Principles of Visual Hierarchy and Occam’s Razor

Modern day websites are bound to have a plethora of content in comparison with websites that we preferred a decade ago. Even though you might create yourself a set of eye pleasing elements and graphical entities, a good chunk of trouble and time goes in deciding the placements of these tiles. Establishing a design harmony is an integral quality to ingrain your entire digital workspace with. To maintain an affluent flow of user interactions we suggest proper practice of visual hierarchy and razor principle.

Visual hierarchy is about signifying the placements of elements based on their importance, need and understanding. Characteristics like size, shape, direction, color, contrast and texture are needed to manipulate and take into consideration to create a visually appealing page. Occam’s razor principle directs to a different route but we find that it sits in situations like these very benevolently. It suggests to take a minimal approach towards your designs and states that whenever you are confused, prefer the simple design as it has the potential to radiate with more people.

Implementation of Code

Now that we have taken care of the design and overall outlook of the website, coding begins. Because the designs are drawn out while keeping in check the technological capabilities within the realm of the project, developers can solely focus on their end of the job without any doubts related to workability and wireframe of the complete design.

Prototype Testing

As the final touches to your digital product is made, it is time to determine its efficiency in the real world. Very plausible and accurate data can be attained by proper deployment of this phase. You can target prototype testing to gain insights on user interface, their experience, product reviews and to understand the perception of your product as a whole.


After all the thought out and hard work comes the time to finally launch your website for the users. Even after correcting the flaws and enhancing your product even more after insights from the prototype testing phase, it is important to check a few boxes before launching. Consider your marketing strategies related to the launching, recheck the preparations for your campaigns and rehearse the backup plan with your team in case something goes wrong.

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