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Off-page SEO Guide

By May 30, 2020May 27th, 2024No Comments

Off-page SEO Guide

If you are the one who feels that even after doing the best efforts while developing your website the Google ranking of the same is not as expected and some glitches are making it difficult to get on the top, then you must have missed on the Off-page SEO activity. Without knowing the real magic of it, most of them believe that Off-page SEO is just about backlinks building, enhanced brand search, engagement and shares on social media, but there is much more to it. Let’s explore the hidden benefits and secrets about Off-page SEO and its vital role in Google ranking.

Basic Fundamentals

Off-page SEO works like a booster dose for your search engine ranking but from outside. It involves all the efforts done to improve the user’s perception of the site’s reliability, trustworthiness and popularity and to reach the top of any search engines.

Understand the difference On-Page SEO vs Off-page SEO

It is very simple On-page SEO is all about the website and on the other hand Off-page SEO is all about the popularity and reliability of a website. Ranking of any website is dependent on its On-page SEO which includes internal links, content, tag lines, keyword usage and many more but how high the website would rank depends on Off-page SEO, which includes backlinks, mention on other websites and many others. The perfect blend of On-page and Off-page SEO is the key to win the race of search engine ranking.

Backlinks works as booster dose

Quality and Authority Backlinks are like backbone for any successful off-page SEO activity. They serve as “vote of confidence “from one site to another. So one needs to be very smart while building these links. Let’s understand the best ways to create these smart backlinks for 2020

Data Hub

For ranking on the first page of Google one need to build backlinks from sites which are authoritative and well trusted by search engines like a news site and blogs. The backlinks should have a rich data source to draw attention instantly. Even adding stats on the links serves as an added advantage.

Broken Content building

It is a very good Off-page SEO strategy as it serves great for both marketers and publishers. It is similar to the traditional broken link building but comes with a twist. To get the best results from broken link building one must ensure that the outreach and content is targeted, personalized and serves as a value for the audience. But, finding the broken pages is not an easy task and can opt for broken content building. In this, we can use Ahref’s content explorer which works as a broken link search engine to get links for your site. For example, if you want to publish an article on a particular topic then just type the keywords in the content explorer and choose only broken and you would end up getting popular content which is now dead.

Long-form content works

Long-form content has proved to generate more backlinks as compared to short content. It is directly proportional to the number of backlinks has resulted in great SEO.
Strategic Guest posting-Guest blogging supports and improves the Off-page SEO activity to a great extent. It projects your brand to a completely new audience. Guest posting leads to unlinked brand mentions which are also an added benefit. The best part is that one can create backlinks from Guest post which further helps in Google ranking.

Strategic Guest posting

Guest blogging supports and improves the Off-page SEO activity to a great extent. It projects your brand to a completely new audience. Guest posting leads to unlinked brand mentions which are also an added benefit. The best part is that one can create backlinks from Guest post which further helps in Google ranking.

Generate brand signals

Google uses brand signals to find out whether your site is legit. So it is very important to boost the brand signals for better SEO. This can be done by a perfect audit of brand searches to know the benchmarks and thereby improving the same to stay ahead. This can be easily done using the Google Search Console performance report. Secondly, it can be also done by YouTube marketing. The advantage with YouTube is that video content is well accepted by an online audience and is seen by lots of people. Further, it makes them talk and write about your brand. Moreover, videos of brands seen on YouTube are often searched on Google simultaneously leading to enhanced brand search and a great brand signal.

Brand Tracking

Tracking your brand performance is the key to improve and plan your strategy to ensure better results ahead. Tracking makes it easy to know how many people talked about your brand online through blogs, forums or news sites and also get an idea about the changing trend. One can easily make use number of brand tracking tools available online such as or BuzzSumo’s “ Alerts” feature.

Research-based content

Well researched content helps your Off-page SEO activity to a great scale and provides high-quality links. Moreover, it ends up with a great number of social media shares which indirectly works for your Off-page SEO, as social shares draw more attention to your brand which results in enhanced brand searches and mentions.

Improved E-A-T

For any website, they must improve Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness as Google measures E-A-T based on signals that occur on a website. So to improve the EAT it is very crucial to get a brand mention on authority sites. Go for seed sites for getting links as Google holds great weight on such sites. Another important activity to get enhanced EAT is to earn positive online reviews as they showcase the in and out of your website and how well it is accepted and trusted.

Off-page SEO Techniques

There are several actionable Off-page SEO strategies such as :
Press Release Distribution
For great brand mention and backlinks, it is always advisable to send a press release provided there is something is newsworthy.
Participate in a Roundup posts
This is a very simple and convenient method to get links and mentions as compared to Guest Posting.
One of the untapped Off-Page strategies that work brilliantly is Getting Interviewed on Podcasts. This helps in boosting organic traffic which further decides your ranking.
Partner with giant brands
Big brands like to partner with small business if they prove to add a legit value for them and share traffic. One can also earn cross-promotion with them for enhanced brand mention.
Create stunning visuals for other blogs
Visual content serves like a hot cake which every blog and a site like to have on them. They move number eyeballs and hence preferred for excellent SEO in any search engine.


Today you can find many case studies which prove the role played by Off-page SEO in improving their Google ranking. So don’t miss on Off-page SEO and earn the credit of being of the most trusted website.

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