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Latest web development trends in 2020

By May 15, 2020May 27th, 2024No Comments

Latest web development trends in 2020

In today’s information-driven society up-gradation and innovation in technology is an ongoing process. To stay ahead in the cutthroat competition in every field one needs to be familiar with these latest trends and to boost the knowledge. After extensive research on market demands in various fields of IT, sector following are few trends, which would help you, stay ahead in the race.

Progressive web application

Progressive web app as the name suggests works as a boosted web app and is believed to be the future of the web. It works for all users irrespective of the browser used and turns web browsing experience highly user friendly by offering functionality closer to native mobile applications. After successful use by renowned companies like twitter and Alibaba, it has been proved that a progressive web app works great for online business by increasing the conversion and decreasing the load time. If you plan to build a brilliant PWA then you can opt for the latest technology such as Angular, React and Polymer to create the best. Another advantage is that PWA is highly responsive to any device ranging from Desktops, laptops, and mobiles.

Accelerated mobile pages

Best for an unmatchable mobile internet experience.
Today the dependency on mobiles for surfing the internet and web pages is rising rapidly. This changing nature of the users has got in the trend of Accelerated mobile pages trend in the area of web development. The aim is to cater to the demand to build websites that load and work on mobile devices flawlessly. The interesting fact that AMP pages are loaded in around 2 seconds against 22 seconds taken by non-AMP pages makes it a popular trend. Speedy websites are always at the top list and so the AMP technology can play a vital role in the overall SEO activity of any website. The technology needed to build an accelerated page is AMP HTML open framework. Another reason that makes AMP highly in demand is that pages built on the mobile standard are highly user friendly and with fast load time which helps the website rank ahead in Google SERPs and very appealing to the end-users.

Responsive websites

Responsive websites are always in trend in the design industry. Today with the growing numbers of mobile device users, a responsive website is a must to have featured as it comes with easy to use web interface and also very SEO friendly.

Voice search optimization

It is one of the latest trends in web development, which cannot be overlooked. Today most of the users prefer voice instead of the screen for their search as it is instant and easy. This transformation has boosted voice commerce sales drastically in many countries. Hence, it is advisable for all web developers after looking at various studies and market scenarios to incorporate voice search optimization in their tech and SEO strategy. Web Speech API is the technology behind excellent Voice Search Optimization.

API- First Development

Web development community is experiencing a major change when it comes to web applications. Today the demand has increased for applications that are capable to handle multiple interfaces for human alike and machines. In this scenario API -First development act as a smart way of working for developers. This state-of-art-technology automatically updates and simplifies the work resulting in enhanced flexibility and perspectives. Developers can choose from Swagger or API blueprint for API-First design.

Push Notifications

Push Notification works best as it comes with the benefit of enhanced overall web experience coupled with smart marketing opportunities without the need to register or live behind credentials like email. It serves as an instant way to share the latest updates to the end-users for any website for example if you are into e-commerce business then through push notification you can create awareness about your latest deals and sales to your potential customers.

AI-powered Chatbots

Today the need of the hour for any business is to have a backup of 24×7-customer service. However, with different time zones and representation in various continents, this turns out to be a very costly and time-consuming affair. The latest trend in web development is to own an instant and automated client support mechanism which is very much possible with AI-powered Chatbots. These smart Chatbots can automatically answer the FAQs, take an order, and even can connect with the right client assistance. Al-Powered chatbots work great in case of an emergency, resolving any complaint, making a reservation, paying bills, and many more. One can make use of Microsoft bot framework, Facebook Bot Engine, and Dialogflow open-source bot technologies for developing high-end AI-powered Chatbots.

Motion UI

The thumb rule for any business is that anything that looks attractive and engaging sells like a hot cake. The same goes for web development. Today developers are opting for Motion UI for creating eye-catching animations for attracting users as it gives ample flexibility and goes well with any JavaScript framework.
Conclusion- With the growing competition and constant change in the digital community these latest web development trends would make your life and business easy, fast, and seamless that too without burning too much of your hard money.

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