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Landing Page – Action page to convert internet traffic into leads

By October 14, 2020May 27th, 2024No Comments

Landing Page - Action page to convert internet traffic into leads

With ever-changing technology, staying ahead in digital business is not at all an easy task. One needs to keep an eye on the latest trends and concepts, which would yield more profit in less time. A landing page is one such important tool, which would help you earn more potential leads and conversions needed for the success of any marketing strategy for online business.

Now, what is a landing page?

A landing page is a specially designed webpage for marketing or advertising campaigns because it holds the power to capture and convert the internet traffic, which is already, visiting the website. Visitors come to the landing page after they click your ad on Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or promotional links on your website. The visitors coming to the landing page are the ones who are seriously interested in your brand or offering and so has to be nurtured further to get business or conversion in the form of Signup, purchase, or registration.

Importance of Landing page

If you are new to online marketing you would be wondering why there is a need for a separate landing page, which comes with a cost and consumes time. Then let us understand the fact that the landing page is a smart way to generate leads, move them down to the sales funnel, and finally be converted into a new customer. From various surveys, it has been proved that when the visitor is moved to a dedicated page meant for sales it becomes easy to capture and convince them. Landing pages serve as a filter to capture potential leads and transfer the same to the sales team. Most importantly, the visitor gets all the information about your brand, offerings, or anything specific on the landing page very easily and quickly as compared to the home page. Hence, the landing page should be well planned and created.

Landing page statistics

Data speaks and is believed by all. The statistics on the landing page are good enough to explain its role in digital marketing. From various sources, it has been proved that the average landing page conversion rate across all industries is 2.35 percent. If the headline of the landing page is appealing then nearly 90 percent of visitors read its call to action. Moreover, videos in the form of testimonials or feedback can enhance conversions by 86 percent. However, landing page conversion rates differ from industry to industry, so be sure to get a detailed analysis before setting up your specific goals with the help of a landing page.

Now, one may think about what makes a landing page different from the Homepage or Splash page. Let us understand it more clearly. The landing page comes with clear communication that it exists to enhance conversions by building trust among visitors. The landing page has only one single aim that is CALL To ACTION (CTA) with fewer links. On the other hand, the Homepage has many elements, links, content, and different goal to highlight the brand at its best. On the homepage, a visitor can go anywhere like review the products or services, read articles or blogs, share some feedback but not necessarily make a purchase. When we talk about the splash page, it is a small screen on the website like a gatekeeper through which the visit passes through before continuing with the actual website. In short, the splash page is closely connected with the website irrespective of the landing page, which has its existence.

Making of a good landing page

Now that we know the role of the landing page in digital marketing let us read about how to create a flawless and effective landing page. There are some key elements for a good landing page.


This serves as a first impression and attention seeker to the visitors. If the headline is impressive and to the point then it would do magic to earn click-through rates and conversion from the traffic already coming. Through the headline, the visitor gets to know about your USP, which may be a special offer, discount, service, or initiative. Therefore, to hit the nail hard and to make the point quickly to visitors, many brains should be put in while creating the headline for the landing page.


Subhead is the follow up of a headline. It is the subhead, which provides further information in support of the appealing headline. The content of the subhead keeps the visitor engaging and so needs to write well with lots of thoughts. Subhead should always highlight the USP in such a way that the visitor gets interested in knowing what he would get and what needs to be done for the same. Reinforcing the call to action can be greatly done through subheads.

Supporting Copy

Supporting copy of the landing page is a further continuation of the subhead. When the visitor steps into the supporting copy mean it is a potential lead and so the content should be such that it speaks to the visitors. Writing a supporting copy is an art and it goes beyond the headline and subhead to sell. Just reading the supporting copy one should be able to know who you are, your offerings, brand values, and outcome that can be expected by the visitor. While writing a supporting copy it is essential, we do a smart qualitative analysis to identify the preferences and motivation to finally get into the minds of the target audience. The content of the copy should be so convincing that the target lead is compelled to take action instantly to enjoy the advantages of the offer listed on the landing page.

Images and videos

Indeed, images and videos speak more than words. In the digital world images and videos play a smart role to convey the feelings that push conversions. Make sure the landing page has a perfect high-quality image along with interactive HD videos about your offering, which may be a product or any service to grab the attention instantly and earn more clicks on Call to Action.

USP and Benefits

The thump rule to sell anything is to focus on benefits. Benefits or the special offers should be the base of the sales pitch and needs to be highlighted in a form that is never missed and easily noticed.

Trust Builders

Trust builders or references are very important to be included in a landing page. These references or trust builders can be in the form of image, text, customer satisfaction testimonials that the target lead can go through to earn more proof against your credentials. Trust is what makes people share their important information on a social platform.

Lead Capture

The most crucial element of the landing page where the whole aim revolves is the lead capture. Once the leads are captured, it becomes easy to nurture them down to the marketing funnel and build a strong relationship between potential customers and business. Lead capture could be a button that navigates to another page for further information or any form where the visitor can share their information. This form or button has to be big, bold, and visually attractive to drive the visitors finally here. Call to action in lead capture should be very clear and hassle-free. This can sign up now or call a dedicated number or any feedback.

The above elements can be rearranged as per the requirement of the specific campaign. The overall objective is to get the best out of the landing page so that the leads are not missed and converted quickly.

Key online marketing concepts linked with a landing page:

Sales funnel

It is a process through which the interested visitor or lead is made to go through. Sales funnel enhances marketing performance by incorporating a few important stages such as awareness, interest, decision-making, and action to finally earn a potential customer. When we talk about the landing page, it can be a post, which gives details about a free product sample or some special offer by clicking on the link or entering phone number and email ID.


Leads are people or visitors who are genuinely interested and can be converted into sales. Here leads are those who have shared their email address to further engage with your brand.
Lead generation- All the efforts put in to get leads is nothing but a lead generation. Efforts can be done in the form of running ads, creating an engaging landing page, creative posts on social media, or brand awareness. Lead generation stays at the top of the sales funnel where the process starts to introduce yourself to the public.


It is the action you want the visitor to take. This may be clicking on a button, sharing email ID, by making a purchase, clicking on an ad or link to navigate to the landing page.


Search engine optimization is the strategy by which we get the landing page at the top of the search engines. For this, we need to ensure that the landing page has appropriate keywords, rich content as per the intent of the visitor, HD images or videos, and seamless navigation even on a small screen.

Call to action

It is the part of the copy, which suggests the visitor takes specific action if he is interested to know more about the same. The most common phrases for a call to action are Click here, Call me, or Read more. Call to action is a very crucial part of the landing page and so should be placed properly and smartly.


Landing pages are powerful conversion and SEO tools that turn traffic into money. They influence readers to focus on one goal only. Coupled with eye -turning slick ads that endorse an offer to get the interested visitors into customers.

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