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Essential tips for marketing to millennials!

By November 9, 2017May 29th, 2024No Comments

Essential tips for marketing to millennials!

Millennials- our so-called digital natives are born and brought up in a world where information is easily accessible. Being the largest living generation on the planet with $1.3 trillion annual buying power, millennials are making the biggest lucrative marketing place for business owners. These significant numbers are certainly enough to make marketers sit and take commands to charm this young generation.

Millennials are the demographic which is full of diversified personalities and interests making it even harder to know how to approach them. However, getting their attention in this over-cluttered digital marketplace is not a catwalk, but by targeting some of their common traits can yield productive outcomes in the competitive age of digitisation.

Here are some essential tips to run successful internet marketing campaigns for people younger than 35. Let’s delve into the details.

Solidify your mobile presence

For millennials, if you don’t exist on mobiles, you don’t exist at all. It’s observed that nearly 25% of youth spend around 5 hours a day on mobile and more than 50% of millennials spend at least 3 hours on their mobile devices. From shopping to chatting to social media and browsing information online, they have their mobile device in hand. Therefore a solid presence on mobile devices is mandatory to attract their interests. For developing startups, making a mobile app can add an extra expense to their budget, but they can still leverage the benefit of social media apps to reach out to this generation Y.

Be transparent and meet them where they are

When it comes to marketing to millennials, transparency is a sure-shot key. This generation has access to every information on their fingertips and is bombarded with multiple options, To be able to cut through this crowd and approach these millennials, it is essential to make a strong presence on the places where they hang out. It can be in the form of ebooks, whitepapers, infographics, how-to’s, blog posts and much other informative content. Keep in mind, Don’t sell your products, sell your purpose. It might be in the form of your web design or your marketing campaigns targeting this generation.

Embrace authenticity and find alternatives to traditional ads

Millennials are the generation of the digital world; they can spot a marketing voice from miles away. They very well understand the difference between a marketing speak and a real talk. So try to keep your communications, advertisements, interactions as authentic as possible and provide real actionable tips useful for them.

Leverage the power of micro-videos over social media

Visuals speak more than texts, right? Millennials, as we all know, spend most of their time surfing various social media channels such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and Twitter. That’s the reason a successful digital marketing strategy must include creating eye-catching content for these social media platforms. A micro- video streaming for less than 20 seconds is much engaging than a page length content. Therefore social media marketing is a viable marketing tactic for all the business owners.

A successful millennial marketing campaign brings exciting sales opportunities for businesses, and we hope these four tips will help you drive more attention towards your business.

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