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E-Commerce checkout champions to boost your sales

By December 26, 2017May 27th, 2024No Comments

E-Commerce checkout champions to boost your sales

Various e-commerce platforms have made it very easy to build an online store. You might have thought of initiating your own store or you may it developed already. But, setting up a business is the only half win, the success of any business depends upon sales. More sales equal more profit. Businesses pay thousands of dollars just to increase their sales but contrary to this popular perception sometimes small changes can bring you a lot of sales.

So what’s the point in losing revenue, below are some effective tricks to boost your eCommerce sales at checkout process, let’s dig into the details.

Eliminate registration process

Don’t follow the same pattern of forcing visitors to register before proceeding to check out that many eCommerce sites do and contribute a major part in increasing cart abandonment rates. Make registration an alternative for visitors and let them check out as a guest. The account will create at the time of checkout by default and the customer won’t consider it as a time waste. Also, don’t forget to add a sign in option for returning customers to enjoy a seamless checkout process.

Keep the layout and flow clean

The first impression is always the last impression and when it comes to the checkout process, it simple web design of your checkout page has a more significant impact. So the first thing you should do is to remove every possible distraction to minimize the chances of making your customers flee from your site. For example, remove all the unnecessary links and form elements from the page and navigation bar to keep the customers focused during the checkout process. Save your customer’s time and stick to the only required field in the customer checkout form. Always test your checkout forms.

Optimize your checkout page speed

Shoppers don’t have much patience and two seconds seems like an hour for them. So lagging in page loading speed can also be a killer for any eCommerce store and its SEO. It’s been observed that customers who have trouble with a site’s performance have promised to never come back again. Optimizing page speed will also improve your user experience.

Include safe and trustworthy payment

Many websites have the only single mode of payment and that too asks for your credit card information. Not everyone feels safe with sharing their credit card information, additionally, it takes time to manually fill all the details. That’s the reason site owners prefer to use PayPal as their payment gateway. Customer’s credit card information and shipping details are already saved in PayPal and it eliminates the need for manually entering it. SO if you are not incorporating PayPal and Google wallets on your website yet, go ahead and do it now.


For e-commerce sites, the checkout process is vital. It has lots of elements and requires a lot of tugging and if you do it right, you can reduce cart abandonment issues, optimize your conversion rates and ultimately can reach your goals.

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