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5 ways to create your content drive more targeted traffic

By December 19, 2018May 29th, 2024No Comments

5 ways to create your content drive more targeted traffic

The landscape of SEO is prone to changes and being a digital marketer you ought to accept those alterations with warm hands. According to the research by Haymaker, 85% of clicks resulting from a search are from the organic listings rather than paid ads. And in another study by Low Blow, it is stated that 86% of web searchers trust organic listings more than the PPC sponsored ads. Hence, the frequent changes in search engine algorithms demand equal modifications in your SEO strategies as well in order to maintain the rankings and traffic.

Unlike PPC, SEO strategies are more dependent upon content. The results are more affected by the way keywords are scattered in your content, quality of your backlinks, metadata etc. Some businesses seem to have all the luck when it comes to content marketing like Kissmetrics. Content that they create gets a good number of shares on social media, influencers promote their posts and they get a crazy amount of leads- well, the content is that good. While on the other hand, some spend hours of hard work creating content that barely gets enough attention. Well, if it sounds familiar to you, then don’t give up on your content marketing as here we are discussing some tactics that will help you create a content that drives more traffic to your website. Let’s start the learning:

Survey your audience about the type of content they want to read:

When your content serves the information that your audience wants to read, it gets attention. And one way to know about it is to survey your audience. You can do this by emailing your subscribers asking what are the common challenges they are facing. When you know their issues, you’ll be able to provide them with a solution with your content. Pick their pain points and comfort them with the dose of well-researched content. This way you’re always connected with your audience.

Use SEO best practices when writing a content:

With SEO we don’t want you to do keyword stuffing. It means you should perform keyword research with the keyword planner tool and use them naturally when you write a blog. For WordPress users, Yoast SEO Plugin is like a blessing that’ll tell you how exactly you can improve your writing from the SEO point of view.

Give your content a user appeal:

Make sure your content is easy to read. It has been noted that most people who stumble upon your content don’t read it all. They leave it in a halfway may be because they find it less interactive. So use a conversational tone when writing content. Optimize your content for better readability by adding images, by using bullet lists and by using short paragraphs and sentences. This way you can easily reduce your bounce rates and make visitors willing to come back for more.

Add social media share buttons to your blog posts:

Social media is an incredible platform that helps you drive an insane amount of traffic with a single click. Give your readers an option to share your blog posts on their social media platforms. WordPress users can install SumoMe plugin to add social media buttons. Just make sure you don’t overwhelm your readers with tons of social media share buttons. Add only those sites that are popular among your readers.

Give a mention to well-known industry experts in your blog:

When possible do it. Chances are the experts that you’ll mention in your content will share your blog on their social media sites. So a  great way gains some extra traffic. Moreover, when you include a well-known name in your blog post, it increases your credibility and helps you connect with other influencers of the industry.

If you use any of these content marketing tips, you’ll be able to see an improvement in your website traffic. Just don’t get discouraged if you don’t find massive results right away.

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