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10 Tips for Designers for a Prosperous Instagram Feed

By March 14, 2022May 27th, 2024No Comments

10 Tips for Designers for a Prosperous Instagram Feed

We all know the prowess of a flowy Instagram account. A blossoming feed can change the fate of your artistic endeavors drastically, for everything good and better. While Instagram is somewhat still about selfies and portraying your day out with the gang, it has majorly transcended into a platform for professionally articulated portfolios to showcase one’s art.

It is quite correct to assume the relation of art to the social platform in terms of photos and videos, but there has been a spike of designers on the platform and fellow Instagrammers have welcomed them warmly. From gaining popularity, landing opulent jobs, and scoring large-scale projects to individuals being able to monetize through designs in form of NFTs, Instagram has served ambitious designers quite fluently in recent times.

There are thousands of talented designers out there, several of them in your city alone. Have you ever wondered why only a few of them get to touch the clouds of achievements, recognition, and acclaim while making constant money? It is because in today’s competition and accessibility talent is not enough, and honestly, it is quite sensible; given the plethora of resources.

We have articulated several tips and essentials that will make your work stand out and complement your talent day in and day out:

1. Optimize Title and Bio

Your username plays a role in getting people to get to your profile along with your display. But since one can’t always get the username they desire, let’s dispose of this as an essential. Your bio and your title can make people either start scrolling on your work or make them tap the back button. The best bet is to show off your skills in a quick pack of 150 words which can include your achievements, style of work, and relatable hashtags. Don’t forget to add a landing page in the section below.

2. Post engaging content

Posting engagement encouraging media will not only affect your views but also make people act on your post. This means more people would stop and look at your artwork. You can write catchy captions, create giveaway contests, and provide information on your work that you get questioned on.

3. Be social and welcoming

It is called social media for a reason. So don’t step back from the interaction. Generously like the posts you actually like, reply to your comments, and dm them if you like something in their posts or stories. Get honestly invested in not only who you follow but also people who follow you.

4. Find Ways to Collaborate

One way to show the bonds and relations that you have made is by collaborating with people. This also shows authenticity, and friendliness as well as it is a great medium to articulate a new style in your profession. You can look out for accounts that feature designs and reach out to them for exposure. Instagram’s collaborative feature is a great sign that artists should do it more.

5. Setup Call to Action

A call to action is indicative of someone’s admiration of your work. It opens up a different page for users and offers them directly, personal access to you. You can drop in your email id, portfolios, or the option to reach out personally; making it easy for employers and brands to contact you in this fast-paced world.

6. Organize For Consistency

Posting consistently is the key to sticking in people’s minds. Scrolling is apparently a fast-paced task and a lot of information can get lost in admiration. Popping up on people’s screens constantly can make them remember your name and your work easily. One thing you can do is either pre-planning your posts weeks ahead or decide upon the number of posts you will work on each week. These should include posts, stories as well as the frequency of video media.

7. Implement Hashtags

Hashtags are the oldest trick in the book and they are still relevant. Hashtags can majorly affect the success of your posts. From more views can come a possibility for distinctive followers and more interactions. You can look up the hashtags that your fellow designers are using, utilize the hashtags from posts that you genuinely like, and look up hashtags in the posts that seem similar to your work.

8. Utilize Every Posting Criteria

There are many posting options on Instagram. Stories, feed posts, and IGTV. While stories and regular posting are utilized by almost every account, IGTV is something that not many accounts look to explore. This not only makes it more prone to success but also gives you an upper hand. You can create multiple reels, stories, and video posts in order to promote your IGTV content; giving you easy 3 to 4 posts in the calendar.

9. Use Story Engaging Features

Stories have evolved from just being pictures on the screen for a few seconds. One can redirect users to their posts, take an honest poll, ask and answer questions, and create reminders; all from the stories section. With all these tools at your disposal, make efficient and constant use of these features. They will not only help you gain more views and users but also help you dive deeper into the fine matters of your artwork.

10. Analyze and Implement

Remember about the resources at your disposal? Instagram’s analytical features provide deep access to the numbers associated with your account. You can look up the age, gender, and locations of the people that constantly engage with your work. You can check out the posts that did good and work on finding out the reasons behind posts that didn’t age well. It will also give you intel on the areas that you need to tap your work in; making your content promotion ventures more easy and more fruitful.

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