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SEO Training Jaipur

Learn SEO fast & easily.
Zuplic is a creative digital agency with a spirit to convert businesses to brands. We believe that SEO is a way that can increase your revenues as well as increase your web presence by killing your competitors.

SEO Training Jaipur

Why us for SEO Training in Jaipur?

Easy and Invaluable SEO Knowledge

Our training sessions are informal but informative; they are a mix of teaching, individual and group activities and Q&A sessions.

Smooth Sailing

Attain a better understanding of how search engine algorithms work organically. Learn vital SEO knowledge which you can apply on your own sites and campaigns.

In-House Experts

Our SEO courses are not taught by hired trainers but by company professionals who have been working in the industry from almost 5 years now.
seo training jaipur

Benefits of Learning SEO

  • Learn SEO and know what holds back your website from ranking in search engines with better search results.
  • Plan a successful SEO strategy even before the designing of website to save most of your time and money.
  • Open your own SEO training firm and be your own boss. Make Handsome income and help other website owners by driving traffic to their websites.
  • Earn a good position among professional SEO companies quickly. SEO professionals having less than 2 years of experience are having high salary packages.

SEO Training Camps

Taught by a real SEO instructor. Ask questions and learn fast!  Organized weekly (Mon – Fri)

Enroll Now

1. Keyword Research

This class shows you how to find the best and relevant keywords for the business. After this class, you will be easily able to analyze your competition. Learn the best keyword research tools in the market which would help you to better understand the competition and make you to do SEO competitor analysis process properly.

  • SEO Proficiency: All levels
  • Create a great list of keywords for your website/business
  • Learn how to identify your primary SEO competitors respective of filters
  • Find opportunities to rank higher in search results
  • Know about keyword analysis tools

2. SEO Site Audits

Conducting a site audit is critical for everyone doing SEO. It is very important to understand how search engines view your site. What do and what not to, in order to rank your website is essential. Learning which issues could be impacting your website leading to fall in search rank position is unknowingly important. Learn how to find and eliminate SEO penalties.

  • SEO Proficiency Level: All levels
  • Learn how to conduct a comprehensive site audit
  • Search Updates in pasts
  • See professional tools used to analyze websites
  • Understand the common factors that impact site performance

3. On-Page SEO

Are my pages optimized in respect to SEO? Why should I optimize homepage first? Answer of these questions and more in this easy to understand class. Learn and prioritize all on-page techniques followed by best marketing professionals who use to get their site on page one.

  • SEO Proficiency: All levels
  • Discover how search engines work
  • On-page SEO techniques
  • Learn the most common factors that affect page rank
  • See how to prioritize page optimization work

4. Link Building

What is link building or backlinks? Why links are essential to rank the site up? Backlinks are one of the most important signals you can send to search engines. Sign up for this SEO course and learn essential off-page optimization strategies, tools, and tips.

  • SEO Proficiency: All levels
  • Learn why link-building is still important
  • See a step-by-step process for building backlinks
  • Types of SEO in context of link-building
  • Find out how to align backlinks with your site content

5. Reporting on SEO

Discover the best SEO reporting tools and performance benchmarks. This module of the course is great for both in-house marketers and agencies. Get SEO reporting templates for Google Analytics. Start reporting SEO like a pro.

  • SEO Proficiency Level: All Levels
  • Learn the tools used by professionals to report on SEO
  • Get a template report you can use with your projects
  • Discover the most common reporting mistakes people make

The answers to your SEO training questions.

Get in touch
What is SEO and why it is important?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is an activity which as per the company standards is very crucial to get any website at the top of various search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and many more. Ranking at the higher level is very important for any website as it draws the attention of the users, ensures higher hits, generates a good number of queries and potential leads. All this ultimately helps to get a quick return on investment, which is the key to the success of any business.

Do your institute offer SEO training?

Yes, our institute offers SEO training under its different digital marketing courses. In SEO training our experts give knowledge about various search engines and all other similar courses in detail through practical training on live projects and personalized counseling. The courses are designed keeping in mind the latest market trends and particular needs of the students.

What is the qualification of the faculty teaching SEO?

Our institute has a team of highly qualified faculty who have mastered their subject and hold great experience in teaching digital marketing and branding. Our faculty team includes competent (B.Tech/MCA) and expert teachers and instructors who own extraordinary track records in teaching digital marketing, from years together.

What is the time frame of the internet marketing courses?

Our institute offers multiple courses in the area of internet marketing. One can choose from two slots that are two hours a day for four days a week from Monday to Thursday or Weakened classes for four hours a day on Saturdays and Sundays. One can even opt for distance learning or join batches with flexible timings to match the special requirement of a few students.

Do the students receive any certificates after completing the SEO courses?

Yes, for every course completed the students are given a completion certificate.

What is the scope of doing Internet Marketing Courses?

Today, digital marketing is the need for any business as online visibility makes it easy to draw the attention of potential clients. Considering this fact most of the companies are developing their internet marketing teams which further increases the scope for digital marketing professionals.
With the growth of the digital market, the demand for digital marketers is also at its peak. Some prospects or students after completing their course become so confident and independent that they can start their consultancies to render SEO services to small and medium businesses.

What is the eligibility for learning an SEO course?

Any student, housewife, business person, graduate, or anyone who holds an interest in digital marketing and has a desire to build a career with a backup of good computer knowledge can apply for internet marketing courses and move towards a bright future.

Do your institute offer job placement after completing the course?

Yes, our institute offers job placement to students who have completed their course and all live projects with full dedication.

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